J O E Y C O S T A N Z O :: W R I T E R

Growing up in the Bay Area has made me incredibly smart. Not smart like I graduated from college smart, but smart like I want to start my own blog smart. Ever since I was a kid I knew I was talented; whether it was dancing, playing basketball or calling girls that I liked and ended up just breathing on the phone, I knew I was different. I can’t read good and you will soon learn that my writing is dog shit as well. I know how to misspell many words and act like I deliberately confuse effect with affect. So buckle up and prepare to read shit that travels from first to third person in the same sentence, these are the writings of Joey Costanzo, I am he.

S H A W N F E N D E R :: P H O T O G R A P H E R

Ambiguously aged, somewhere between an old man and an adolescent child. Attempting to raise two wild boys near Ocean Beach; cameras, lenses, eyes and toes are often filled with sand and saltwater. Shoulders sore from piggy-back rides and mind occupied by weather forecasts and topo maps of far away mountains. Haunted by failed attempts of balancing ambient and artificial light. Dreams of being lost in the dark woods, scrambling to find the sun. Camera bag is just as likely to have a Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pie as it is to have a spare battery.